The Table Foundation In The News!
Check out some of our recent coverage.
TTF Hosts Virtual Olive Mass Amidst Pandemic.
The virtual event brought together hospitality members from around the United States and allowed The Table Foundation to donate over $2,000 to programs directly helping hospitality workers affected by the pandemic.
Podcast Interview - Ex Convict Cooks with Conviction.
Listen to "Shoot the Shiitake:" real talk about an ex-con who cooks with conviction. You’ll learn more about Chef Steven Allbright, former Administrator for The Table Foundation, and hear about why Fr. Leo was inspired to help.
Every Saint Has a Past, and Every Sinner a Future.
Inspired by Matthew 25:40-45, which concludes “ … What you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for me,” The Catholic Review takes an in-depth look at the Catholic Church’s response to ex-covicts in dire need.
More Olive Mass News
Oct. 2018 - Baltimore's first Olive Mass to give thanks to workers in the hospitality, culinary fields
Oct. 2018 - Faith and Food Mix at Baltimore’s First Olive Mass
Sept. 2017 - Second Annual Olive Mass at St. Louis Cathedral Sept. 25
Aug. 2017 - Second New Orleans Olive Mass Set for September 2017.
Sept. 2016 - Answering a Chef’s Prayer
Sept. 2016 - Fall Festivals, the Olive Mass, and Fr. Leo Patalinghug
Sept. 2016 - Inaugural Olive Mass held for peace, blessings to hospitality workers
Sept. 2016 - Catholic church celebrates hospitality industry Sept. 26 with Olive Mass
Sept. 2016 - Nation’s First Olive Mass Meant to Celebrate Food, ‘Bless the Hands that Make It.
Other News
Aug. 2018 - The Rich Tradition of Catholics in the Kitchen
Dec. 2017 - Harvesting the Power of Food during our fundraising dinner at Portalli’s