Summer 2022 Newsletter Page 3

Feeding the Homeless Poor: Your Gift to Those in Need

And the King will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’

Matthew 25:40

Most of the supporters reading this already know that The Table Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable foundation, with a stated mission to use food to do good in the world. Perhaps most visibly, the Plating Grace and Grub Food Truck is used as a ministry platform to provide job formation, skills training, hiring assistance and personal growth opportunities for formerly incarcerated individuals, Veterans and aspiring food industry workers. Less visible perhaps, but no less important, is helping to feed the poor.

Food Truck team members regularly conduct “Charity Service” and take nutritious meals out to the streets of Baltimore to give to the homeless poor. Utilizing extra food product from the Truck as well as donations from Foundation supporters, team members make up cups of hot, homemade soup and sandwiches which are then hand-delivered to individuals who literally live on the streets of Baltimore in alcoves, in tents, under bridges, in bus shelters and sometimes out in the open on a sidewalk. Toiletry articles are also given out, as well as space blankets and hand warmers in the winter.

We all know the problem of homelessness and this level of poverty has many causes and has deep roots; we also know the Foundation and Truck team members are not going to solve such a large societal problem, but at least we can fill a hungry belly and provide some hope to those who probably have very little of it. On behalf of the hundreds if not thousands of people who have received a PGG meal, Thank You for your support that allows us to fulfill this basic human corporal work of mercy!

As a side note, one of the main reasons many job applicants give for wanting to work on the Food Truck is because of its charitable outreach. They want to be a part of something that is giving back to society and everyone on the team agrees wholeheartedly!