Summer 2022 Newsletter Page 5
Transmitting Faith and Hope...Without a Transmission
“Go and make disciple of all nations” Jesus said. In its own unique way, The Table Foundation and Food Truck are doing that, but as one can imagine, transmitting the faith via a food truck without a transmission is almost impossible. Almost. As many readers already know, the Food Truck was out of commission for many weeks this spring because the transmission went kaput. A remanufactured replacement was found from a transmission shop in Indiana but hopes quickly faded when that transmission arrived and was found to be defective.
To be sure, it was a bit frustrating at times…
After too much back-and-forth between the supplier and the auto shop about who would fix the transmission, and many phone calls from the Food Truck team, a second transmission was finally delivered and installed, thus bringing a stressful many weeks to a welcome end.
Setting up for a food truck event without a food truck...
Unfortunately, though, having the Truck out of commission necessitated the canceling of many pre-booked events, greatly reduced income to support the Truck and its employees and forced the team to conduct some there-is-no-way-out-of-this events without the Truck which introduced its own set of problems, such as “did we pack everything we need and how are we going to cook these quesadillas and stir fried noodles?”.
One such event was catering a lunch for ~75 members of the Maryland Choral Society which had no other option but the Food Truck. Fortunately, the team worked at least triply hard, improvised greatly, and completed the event—thus ensuring the Society’s lunch was a success!
...but with a lot of work it was a success!
Everyone is extremely grateful to all the supporters who have helped defray some of the cost of the new transmission. Thank you! And if you feel so inclined, additional help would still be greatly appreciated as they don’t come cheaply.