Summer 2022 Newsletter Page 2

Interns Graduate: Your Support Gets Lives Back on Track!

Afero Sterling

Marcel Coleman

Some of the stories in life that most tug at our heartstrings are those of human redemption; the getting back on the track of life after some form of derailment. Naturally, the more one is “lost” or derailed, the greater and more touching the story when that person returns to a life of meaning, love and full participation in human society—including a return to one’s family and friends in greater wholeness.

Of course, all human beings are in some way working towards the fullness of redemption (ultimately, by reaching our eternal home in Heaven), but here on earth the Plating Grace and Grub Food Truck has provided an avenue of earthly redemption to some hard-working and earnest individuals on their way to a better future.

Afero and Marcel are just two of the interns who graduated from the Plating Grace and Grub formation program at the end of 2021, in possession of greater skills not only in cooking and the culinary arts, but just good old human life skills that we all seek to possess and grow in. You can meet each of them at the following links, where you can watch a short (one-minute) video of each man talking about their growth.

We are proud to announce that Afero and Marcel have secured other employment, but fortunately, both men still help out with Food Truck events when available and needed. It is so rewarding to see their continued success and growth as individuals. Deo gratias!